Privacy Policy

Pluton Media LCC, the portal you are using (, respects the privacy of its users and visitors.

Our internal procedures are designed to ensure that the personal data of our users are processed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the data protection laws of the Republic of Serbia (Law on Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Serbia). Our Privacy Policy allows you to understand how we process personal data of users of our services as website users.

Who is the administrator of your personal data?

The data controller is Pluton Media LLC, Vojvode Vlahovića 53j/16, 11000 Belgrade, registration number: 21541940, a company organized and operating under the laws of the Republic of Serbia and owner of the internet portal

How can you contact us regarding your data?

For processing your public data and exercising your rights related to processing, you can contact us via email at

What data do we process?

We do not collect your personal data during your visit to our portal, except when you personally provide such data (e.g., signing up for an electronic newsletter). The information collected is also stored automatically.

If during your visit to the site, you do nothing but navigate through the pages and download information, we will automatically collect certain information. This information does not personally identify you.

We collect the following data:

  • - Domain and IP address;
  • - Type of browser and operating system you use;
  • - Time of access and duration of visit;
  • - Pages you visit;
  • - If you linked to our portal from another site, the address of that site.

For what purposes do we use personal data?

  • - Data collection for providing, maintaining, and improving the services we offer;
  • - Data collection to track the use of services, to measure metrics;
  • - Data collection related to marketing and advertising (ad performance and metrics).

Who has access to personal data?

  • - Within the company, access to the data you provided is restricted to departments or employees who need it for the purpose for which the personal data was collected;
  • - Our partners who perform certain processing tasks on our behalf, such as external collaborators who provide specific services, and software companies that create and maintain the software where data is stored (marketing, analytics, technical support, and maintenance);
  • - All recipients are required to take appropriate technical, organizational, and staffing measures to protect your personal data.

To whom and when can data be transferred?

Your data may be transferred to our trusted partners who process personal data on our behalf, including IT providers, marketing agencies, and other trusted partners. In case of data transfer, we will require our trusted partners to maintain the confidentiality and security of the data, as well as to implement appropriate measures to ensure personal data protection.

How long do we keep personal data?

Your data will be processed as long as there is a legitimate interest for its processing, in accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection, namely:

  • - In case of consent, until consent is withdrawn, limited, or other actions restricting the consent are taken;
  • - If your data is needed for contract execution, until the contractual obligation expires;
  • - If the basis for data processing is our legitimate interest, until a complaint is filed or consent is withdrawn;
  • - For tax and accounting purposes to the extent and for the period specified by other applicable regulations.

What Measures Do We Take to Protect Personal Data?

We have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect users' personal data from accidental or unlawful processing.

What Are Our Users' Rights Regarding Data Processing?

Users have the following rights concerning the processing of their personal data by us:

  • - The right to access their data, including receiving a copy of the data,
  • - The right to request correction of the data,
  • - The right to request deletion of personal data,
  • - The right to file a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority,
  • - The right to restrict data processing.

If your data is processed based on consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

If your data is processed based on consent or for contractual purposes (necessary for providing the service), you have the right to data portability.

To exercise the rights mentioned above, you can contact us with a request at:


We use cookies on our website. Cookies are small data units that your browser stores on your computer's hard drive and are necessary for using our site. We use cookies to better understand how our site is used and to enable easier site navigation. Cookies help us determine, for example, if a page on our site has already been visited. Cookies can also indicate if you have visited our site before or if this is your first visit. The cookies we use do not store any personal data or information that can be identified as personal. If you do not wish to receive cookies, please adjust your browser settings to delete all cookies from your computer's hard drive, block all cookies, or alert you before a cookie is stored.

Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, an internet analytics service provided by Google Inc. Google Analytics uses cookies, which are text files placed on your computer to help analyze how users use the site.

Google uses this information to analyze the site and its usage, compile reports for site operators on site activity, and provide other services related to site activity and internet usage. Google does not associate the IP address transmitted by your browser with any data stored by Google. You can refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser.

We also use Google Analytics to analyze data from AdWords or any DoubleClick cookies for statistical purposes. If you do not want this, you can deactivate this option using the Ad Preferences Manager.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We may update these Privacy Rules from time to time. Updated Privacy Rules will be posted on the internet portal